What about using flowery plug ins or sprays? What about fancy candles? Nope, none of those will work. Buyers are suspicious the minute they smell those cover ups. Not to mention "fragrancegate" will not remove or even mask the odor. If anything it will bring more attention to it.

If you smoke in your home and you would like to sell your home, you need to roll up your sleeves because smoke removal is not a simple process. Let's start with step one, STOP SMOKING! Your home AND body will thank you! Next, try having your air ducts professionally cleaned. Clean your walls with a soap, water and a vinegar mixture. Green Apple Dawn seems to work well. Have all flooring and furniture professionally cleaned. Clean all bedding, clothing, towels, etc. Remove any fabric window coverings and throw away! These steps will help but often the smell requires more attention.
If all else fails, it's time to call in the professionals like Bio-One. Their proprietary chemicals and air scrubbers can certainly be the solution. The process may take a full day and you may have to leave your home for a few hours while they use what is called an ozone machine. Even after all of this, it may be necessary to paint your walls and change out any carpet. But, if you have a home that would regularly sell for $200,000, it will be well worth the $40,000 to $60,000 that may be added to your value and ultimately your wallet! Contact Bio-One today for a free estimate!www.bioonecherokeecounty.com